The Faculty of Dental Trainers

Joint Dental Update Regarding the Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examinations

29 April 2020 3:35pm

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Dear Colleague,

An update regarding the Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examinations

As you are aware these examinations were deferred in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then there has been a considerable effort on the part of the Dental Faculties of The Royal Colleges to restart these examinations from September 2020. It remains our intention to deliver these diets as timetabled but please be aware of the need to adhere to national guidelines in relation to the pandemic. This is likely to result in the diet being held over an increased time period.

Whilst it is hoped to deliver these diets traditionally, we are currently developing an online format should circumstances demand this approach. It is our intention to confirm the delivery method 8 weeks before the exam. The nature of the examination questions and expected standard will remain unchanged, as detailed on the website, irrespective of the delivery style.

All previously deferred applications will have automatically rolled over to the next diet unless you indicated otherwise.

New applications should be made through the application form available via the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow web site.

We appreciate that the uncertainty around the examinations can only serve to add to the existing levels of anxiety and stress at this time in all aspects of our lives. Our key priority remains the well-being and safety of candidates, examiners, invigilators and staff at all times.

Enquiries should be directed through -  

Read the full statement here.