The Faculty of Dental Trainers

FDT Standards

Standards for Dental Trainers across the Dental Team

Standards that trainers in dentistry should meet or aspire to are set out in this document. In dentistry, successful training of the dental team is delivered by dentists, dental therapists, orthodontic therapists, dental hygienists, dental nurses, dental technicians and clinical dental technicians. 

Training and dental education take place across all healthcare sectors and in multiple settings, including general dental practice, the public, salaried and community dental services, hospital dental services, the universities, colleges, specialist societies and the armed forces.

The Faculty has developed Standards that are applicable to all members of the dental team. Their purpose is to encourage, guide and help to target efforts towards reaching higher levels of expertise and engagement in dental education and training.

All trainers must be able to validate their activities and show evidence of their ability to train. By keeping a reflective log of training activities matched against these Standards, trainers will be able to display their commitment to training and plan their progress to higher levels within the six framework areas described.

Click here to see the full Faculty of Dental Trainers Standards booklet.