Join the Faculty of Dental Trainers
The Faculty of Dental Trainers

Welcome to the Faculty of Dental Trainers

Membership of the Faculty of Dental Trainers now provides full access to the RCSEd Library services; benefits include literature searching, document supply, reference checking, and historical and archive services. To find out more please visit: Library | RCSEd.

RCSEd FDT can also now offer free full-text access to the Journal of Dental Education for all Members of the Faculty of Dental Trainers. Please contact for access details.

Vacancy for the Role of Chair of the Faculty of Dental Trainers

The Faculty of Dental Trainers Needs You!

Applications for the Role of Chair are Open

The Faculty of Dental Trainers of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh was launched in 2016 as the world’s first Faculty aimed at supporting the role of the dental trainer. Having three levels of membership, Associate, Member (MDTFEd) and Fellow (FDTFEd), the FDT recognises achievement and excellence in dental training and, ultimately, enhances the quality of patient care education on a global platform.

Today, dentists and dental care professionals in the FDT are represented across 27 countries, and we deliver patient care across many sectors and in multiple settings, from public and community services, hospital services, to the armed forces, colleges and universities.

The FDT is excited to open applications for the position of Chair. We are committed to recruiting an individual who is most suited to the post based solely on the applicant's abilities, qualifications, experience and merit as measured against the job description and person specification.

The Chair role is open to dentists who are Fellows of the Faculty in good standing.

If you seek to foster an open, co-operative, and dynamic environment as FDT Chair, please download the application pack or contact for more information and an informal discussion about the role.

Closing date for applications: Monday 21 April 2025 at 12:00 BST.

The Faculty of Dental Trainers (FDT) promotes the role of the dental trainer, recognises achievement and excellence and, ultimately, enhances the quality of patient care.

The first of its kind in the UK the FDT is open to all qualified members of the dental team - in the UK and internationally, regardless of Royal College affiliation - who can provide evidence of appropriate involvement in dental training and education. The FDT works to reward interest, engagement and achievement in dental training, provide support and guidance for career development in dental training, and promote standards in training.

You can now book your place for the DeNTS Masterclass HERE.

Courses and Webinars

Courses and Webinars

The Faculty of Dental Trainers (FDT) is developing courses and webinars for Dental Trainers.

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faculty news more news

25 October 2024

Online Dental Symposium 'Lost in Space - Management of Missing Teeth’

The College held the Online Dental Symposium 'Lost in Space - Management of missing teeth’ on 19 September. The event attracted over 90 participants and was hosted by Dr. Lochana Nanayakkara, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Senior Lecturer, who also serves as the Convenor of Dental Education at RCSEd.

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4 June 2024

Dental Non-Technical Skills (DeNTS) - Insights From a Course Participant

We caught up with Dr Gabriel Keng Yan Lee who attended our DeNTS course in May 2024 at the RCSEd for his insights on the global importance of this essential training tool.

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1 May 2024

Introducing a Tool for Dental Nurses to Observe Non-Technical Skills (DNOT)

Register for the ‘Introducing a Tool for Dental Nurses to Observe Non-Technical Skills (DNOT)’ webinar on 22 May from 19:00 – 20:00 BST and learn about the purpose of using an assessment tool in a variety of learning and development environments.

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