The Faculty of Dental Trainers

Faculty of Dental Trainers Annual Meeting

25 July 2018 12:03pm

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The Faculty of Dental Trainers invites all dentists and DCPs with an interest in training and education to attend its second Annual Meeting at The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh on Thursday 20 September 2018. 

The Faculty is developing a means of assessing non-technical skills (ie decision making, leadership, communication, teamworking) for dentists, with the intention that this tool (DeNTS) be used in the workplace to help trainees develop their skills, rate their performances and receive feedback on their progress during training.

Explaining more, Faculty Director Dr Sarah Manton said:

"The importance of non-technical skills was first appreciated by the aviation industry and the regular assessment of non-technical skills is embedded in the training of airline pilots and crews. Rail safety experts have adopted the principles for train drivers and in medicine we have NOTSS (non-technical skills for surgeons), ANTS (for anaesthetists) and PINTS (for perioperative care). Poor non-technical skills can threaten patient safety and the teaching of good skills is being included in medical training curricula in the UK and internationally.

"Developing the DeNTS tool involves deciding on a taxonomy of non-technical skills for dentists. This is drawn up by defining what the profession would consider to be good and bad behaviours for dentists. These behaviours are then grouped into elements and subsequently broad categories. This year’s meeting will present the progress that the Faculty has made in developing DeNTS. Delegates will learn about the process and become part of the next stage of development by helping to decide, in focus groups, which elements and categories are appropriate for dentists. This will be a highly interactive meeting, presenting new material that will be of interest to every member of the dental team who is involved with teaching and training."

> Book online via the RCSEd website